Phantom Crash

From Videogame Morgue File

Revision as of 07:55, 23 May 2022 by Valhalla (talk | contribs) (Phantom Crash)
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Phantom Crash is a vehicular combat video game developed by Genki and published by Phantagram exclusively for Xbox. It allowed for large amounts of customization for the weapons, from the AI controlling the mech all the way down to the paint job. A sequel was released exclusively for PlayStation 2 called S.L.A.I.: Steel Lancer Arena International.

Here is an example reference. It'll be numbered and the link will appear at the end.[1]

A Gallery Section[edit]

Gallleries are rended as a set of boxed thumbnails. Each line in the gallery should be a filename, then a | , then the caption for that thumbnail.

A Link Section[edit]

A Credits Section[edit]

Person's Name
Role with more than one person
each person
with a hash


  1. Reference text goes here, or a link: