Computer Tennis
From Videogame Morgue File
Computer Tennis (retroactively known as Tennis For Two) was a game created at the Brookhaven National Laboratories in October of 1958 for demonstration purposes. The simulation ran off of the Donner Model 30 analog computer coupled with custom electronics designed and implemented by William Alfred Higinbotham and Robert V Dvorak.
The original Computer Tennis schematic, labelled "tennis Programming", created by Robert Dvorak. (October 15th, 1958)
Logbook entry for Robert Dvorak's implementation of the Computer Tennis game from Brookhave laboratories. (1958)
Schematics for the second version of the the Computer Tennis game, drawn by Robert Dvorak. (November 18th, 1959)
Photos on Location[edit]
The original version of Computer Tennis, photographed in a line-up with other demonstration machines in 1958. (1958)
The second, enhanced version of Computer Tennis with its own placard and dedicated CRT. (1959)