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From Videogame Morgue File

Revision as of 18:24, 17 May 2021 by MorgueFile (talk | contribs)

"You don't understand a game by playing it."

The Videogame Morgue File is a collection of materials intended to give videogames context.

Our aim is to build an archive of information, links and media for researchers of videogame history, bringing scattered, difficult-to-find resources into a single reference wiki. And we need your help to build it!

Who is this for?

  • Researchers
  • Academics
  • Journalists
  • YouTubers
  • Anyone else interested in the history of videogames

What's with the name?

"A morgue file originally was a collection of paper folders containing old files and notes kept by criminal investigators, as well as old article clippings kept by newspaper reporters, in case they became of later use as a quick reference collection."

What belongs here?

If it's relevant to videogames, and it's not made of code, this is probably the place for it. A non-exhaustive list:

  • Design documents
  • Advertisements
  • Trade press
  • Newspaper clippings
  • Reviews
  • Interviews
  • Talks
  • Histories

Help us figure out the future

This wiki is still young, and we're open to suggestions. Please, join in and help shape this community project!