
From Videogame Morgue File

Revision as of 13:49, 3 September 2024 by MorgueFile (talk | contribs)

A page to record systemwide changes that may impact editors and other users.

  • Some work on infoboxes: updated PortableInfobox extension to 0.7, added hg101 parameter, and consolidated links into a single section. More to come. MorgueFile (talk) 13:49, 3 September 2024 (CEST)
  • Updated some extensions, fixed some errors with file uploads. Things now appear to be stable on 1.39, but please report any problems you encounter. MorgueFile (talk) 14:11, 4 January 2024 (CET)
  • Updated MediaWiki software to 1.39, the newest LTS, since 1.35 went out of support. There appear to be some problems outstanding. Will continue to work on them, but I advise not making edits for the time being in case of a potential rollback. MorgueFile (talk) 12:30, 4 January 2024 (CET)
  • Edited skin CSS so the Table of Contents is no longer floated right at any screen size. When it appeared, it fought unpleasantly with the default infobox. MorgueFile (talk) 15:31, 21 February 2023 (CET)
  • Created changelog page. MorgueFile (talk) 15:31, 21 February 2023 (CET)