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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
13:56, 28 July 2022 Rollcage.pdf (file) 44 KB {{Information |Publication=De Morgen |Date=06-04-2000 |DownloadedFrom= |Description=Review from Belgian newspaper De Morgen }} 1
13:51, 28 July 2022 KnallenMetKees.pdf (file) 41 KB {{Information |Publication= |Date= |DownloadedFrom= |Description= }} 1
22:29, 21 July 2022 Power Unlimited - juni 1998 - Davilex interview.jpg (file) 2.79 MB {{Information |Publication=Power Unlimited |Date=June 1998 |DownloadedFrom= |Description=Interview with Davilex. Includes details about a concept, Amsterdam IRT, that was abandoned but led into the development of AmsterDoom. }} 1
21:49, 1 May 2022 Power Unlimited - Jaargang 8 nummer 5, mei 2000, p 54 - Amsterdoom review.jpg (file) 10.98 MB {{Information |Publication= |Date= |DownloadedFrom= |Description= }} 1
10:49, 8 March 2022 DTN - 6e jaargang, nummer 4, april 2000 - Amsterdoom.jpg (file) 2.73 MB {{Information |Publication= |Date= |DownloadedFrom= |Description= }} 1
10:44, 8 March 2022 CTW Benelux - nr 25, 2000 - amsterdoom.pdf (file) 16.24 MB {{Information |Publication= |Date= |DownloadedFrom= |Description= }} 1
10:35, 8 March 2022 CTW Benelux - nr 21, 2000 - Amsterdoom.pdf (file) 2.5 MB {{Information |Publication= |Date= |DownloadedFrom= |Description= }} 1
10:33, 8 March 2022 CTW Benelux - nr 20, 2000 - amsterdoom.pdf (file) 2.65 MB {{Information |Publication= |Date= |DownloadedFrom= |Description= }} 1
10:16, 8 March 2022 CTW Benelux - nr 17, 2000 - amsterdoom.pdf (file) 2.23 MB {{Information |Publication= |Date= |DownloadedFrom= |Description= }} 1
10:11, 8 March 2022 CTW Benelux - nr 4, 1999 - amsterdoom.pdf (file) 5.81 MB {{Information |Publication= |Date= |DownloadedFrom= |Description= }} 1
10:09, 8 March 2022 CTW Benelux - nr 2, 1999 - amsterdoom.pdf (file) 2.62 MB {{Information |Publication= |Date= |DownloadedFrom= |Description= }} 1
19:35, 12 May 2021 Amsterdam-monster-madness-handleiding.jpeg (file) 11.13 MB {{Information |Publication= |Date=2001 |DownloadedFrom=https://archive.org/details/amsterdam-monster-madness-handleiding |Description=Manual. Viewable in full on https://archive.org/details/amsterdam-monster-madness-handleiding }} 1
22:20, 5 May 2021 - Een dagje Davilex - 8weekly.nl.pdf (file) 2.65 MB {{Information |Publication=8weekly.nl |Date=19 juni 2002 |DownloadedFrom=https://8weekly.nl/recensie/een-dagje-davilex/ |Description=Interview with Ellen van Meerendonk, at that time marketing manager Games at Davilex, published November 2002. Goes into the retail performance of the game, the failure of the game to reach its intended mass market audience instead of hardcore gamers. Also states that this was the driving force behind the change of the name of the game to ''Amsterdam Monster Mad... 1
22:00, 5 May 2021 Amsterdam monster madness.jpg (file) 75 KB {{Information |Publication= |Date= |DownloadedFrom= |Description=Box with new name and box art for the renamed version of the game, now called Amsterdam Monster Madness. Presumed to have started using this game and art around October of 2001. }} 1
21:58, 5 May 2021 Amsterdoom discount version.jpg (file) 129 KB {{Information |Publication= |Date= |DownloadedFrom=https://www.press-startgames.com/a-61024696/pc-big-box/amsterdoom-pc/ |Description=Box with sticker attached to it stating the lowered retail price for the game. Also describes the game more, presumably to make it more appealable to its intended audience. }} 1
21:45, 5 May 2021 Davilex lanceert AmsterDoom - Webwereld.pdf (file) 290 KB {{Information |Publication=Webwereld |Date= 2 maart 2000 |DownloadedFrom=https://webwereld.nl/nieuws/business/davilex-lanceert-amsterdoom-3721622/ |Description=Article discussing the launch of the game, the intentions of its creator behind the game and the decision to not include multiplayer game play modes. }} 1
21:03, 5 May 2021 Schieten op toplocaties van Amsterdam - Trouw.pdf (file) 99 KB {{Information |Publication=Trouw |Date=18 maart 2000 |DownloadedFrom=https://www.trouw.nl/nieuws/schieten-op-toplocaties-van-amsterdam~b375b4d2/ |Description=Review by newspaper Trouw discussing the game and has reactions from the department of Amsterdam concerning parking attendants and the Rijksmuseum, which is one of the locations used in the game. }} 1
18:29, 5 May 2021 (file) 1.17 MB {{Information |Publication= |Date=November 1999 |DownloadedFrom=https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= |Description=Paper called "Ray tracing as the future of computer games" by Juri A. Oudshoorn. Oudshoorn was one of the programmers of the game. Discusses several aspects of the game engine, rendering techniques and editors used for the creation of Amsterdoom. }} 1
17:44, 5 May 2021 Amsterdoom spel nu ook als single - Provinciale Zeeuwse Courant.png (file) 5.24 MB {{Information |Publication=Provinciale Zeeuwse Courant |Date=20 mei 2000 |DownloadedFrom=https://krantenbankzeeland.nl/issue/pzc/2000-05-20/edition/null/page/49 |Description=Announcement of the availability of several Amsterdoom related music tracks that could be downloaded from the game's website. }} 1
17:38, 5 May 2021 Amsterdoom - Provinciale Zeeuwse Courant.png (file) 3.52 MB {{Information |Publication=Provinciale Zeeuwse Courant |Date=16 maart 2000 |DownloadedFrom=https://krantenbankzeeland.nl/issue/pzc/2000-03-16/edition/null/page/12 |Description=Amsterdoom review in Provinciale Zeeuwse Courant, March 2000 }} 1
13:12, 5 May 2021 12265-amsterdoom-windows-front-cover.jpg (file) 99 KB {{Information |Publication= |Date=2000 |DownloadedFrom= |Description=Cover for Amsterdoom }} 1
13:08, 5 May 2021 Knal neer die nare parkeerwachters! - De Volkskrant.pdf (file) 81 KB {{Information |Publication=De Volkskrant |Date=6 maart 2000 |DownloadedFrom=https://www.volkskrant.nl/wetenschap/knal-neer-die-nare-parkeerwachters~bb5e3aca/ |Description=Commentary about Amsterdoom and the controversy that happened in the press in the weeks before release. Places the game in a more realistic context of what actually happens in the game, and the developers intent. }} 1
12:50, 5 May 2021 Virtueel schieten op parkeerwachter - Trouw.pdf (file) 81 KB {{Information |Publication=Trouw |Date=29 februari 2000 |DownloadedFrom=https://www.trouw.nl/nieuws/virtueel-schieten-op-parkeerwachter~b8099b60/ |Description=News article describing controversy about a new upcoming game called Amsterdoom, where the writer states that you can supposedly kill parking attendants in a virtual re-creation of Amsterdam }} 1
12:39, 5 May 2021 IB-Groep onderneemt geen stappen tegen virtueel moordspel - Groninger Internet Courant.pdf (file) 109 KB {{Information |Publication=Groninger Internet Courant |Date=17 april 2001 |DownloadedFrom= |Description= }} 1